Yea, I know I am talking politics again, but it's that time of the year and the Internet allows we new political pundunts to throw our nickle up against the wall, and we all have sometjhing to say. Listen, we are living in a very excitingly historic time in our nation as far as politics and the Presidential race goes. We thought it was a big deal when John Kennedy became the first Irish Catholic President and Jimmie Carter, the first Peanut Farmer to sit in the Oval Office. But now we have an opportunity to vote a Black man into 'white' house...you gotta love it...So why not make it even more historic with Obama nominating Hillary Clinton as his VP...a bro man and a white woman running our country...(Mama said there would be days like this)...what is the world coming too...? And they would be running aginst a rich wrinkly old white dude who might not make it past his first term who is marraied to a filthy rich hottie half his age...(what was that he said (or did not say) about the little blue diamond?) Hey, the Black man and white woman have my vote as most of you know I am a big Hillary fan from way way back. Love her or hate her, she did not get to where she is now by being Slick Willey's fool. She paid her dues and I believe she is what this great country of ours needs right now! We just have to figure out what to do with Slick Willy if the Obama Man picks her as his running mate and wins...It's like I told a friend of mine the other day...one of my biggest fantasies is hooking up with Hillary and letting Billy boi stay in the background, watch and run the camera...But let's win it all first, then we will deal with Slick Willy.
I do not know how the Obama Man can win without the full backing and blessing of the Clinton Camp...None of those three lame white bois the news pundants put on the short list add anything to his quest for the Presidency. Listen, she is speaking one night at the Convention and hubby speaking another...window dressing...??? I think not!...DUH! What a golden opportunity the Obama Man would be missing out on if he dissess Hillary as his VP running mate. When his advisors told him not to chose Johnson as his running mate, John Kennedey told them, "Let's win it first, and then we will deal with Lyndon." And it's like Pat Buccanan said on Dan Abrams show 'The Verdic' last night... "All the other VP candidates are singles hitters...if you want to go for the fence, Obama has to pick Hillary as his running mate"...and I totally agree. Obama and Hillary would bring a dynamic to this election we have never seen before...How can Obama discount Hillary's 18 million voters, her experience, her charisma and all the white women under 50 she brings with her? Hey, I am not telling you anything you don't already know or have not heard...Love her or hate her she is the Queen Bitch of America at the moment, and she gets my vote for the Democratic VP nomination...not Biden, not Bayh and not Kayne...let's go with the white Bitch...!
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