Anyone who knows me knows I am a Clinton man...I have never hidden that fact from day #1...So do not let it surprise you that I was clapping and hollering 'Go Willey' at my TV set as he did his thing tonight. Homeboy pulled it off Big Time...They gave him 10 mins and he took what he needed to endorse Barak Obama and then tell it like it is (making sure he got his due in the process)...and as Bill Todd said, he hit the mar!
He pulled it off in the only way Bill Clinton Slick Willey style...he had it all together. He hit on every aspect of the political prectrum Democrats are working to make undue what Bush and his cronies f**ked up in only the style that still has made him the #1 Democrat in the USA as he handed the baton over to The Obama Man. Bill Clinton is no fool...
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Xtube and the new Amateur/Homemade Internet Porn Explosion...things not to do...
We now live in the Information Age...The Internet age...instant communication throughout the world. And like the dude in the USA in the tv commercial said when he hit the button on his keyboard...'I just bought stocks in Hong Kong, that's China man!' Yea, and someone in Europe just watched a BLKMaarq Productions video clip on xtube.
Hey, I cut my teeth in the Amateur Industry on Swinger's mags back in the late 70's early 80's, , but it was the Internet of the early 90's where I honed my skills, found my following and became the #1 Amateur Interracial Porn star on the Internet...The title of which, even semi-retired I still own. But I am not here to talk about me but about how those experimenting with the new phenom of Xtube and this new explosion of amateur/homemade porn on the Internet can make their work so much better. I have been through the 'growing pains' listen up all you porn star and porn director 'wanna-bees'. Xtube is happening, and this is the place for you to show your stuff...everyone and anyone can do their thing out here, as long as it is legal, and it is a free site...but there are a few kinks that are so prevalent you wanna bees need to work out to get good at what we are all trying to do. Let me count the ways...LOL
There are three ways an amateur/ homemade porn video is shot. The first and best way of course is having a camera man there with you, so you can concentrate on doing your thing as he or she shoots . #2 is the POV....(point of view)...we called it 'point and shoot' back in the day), where one of the participants holds the camera and attempts to focus on shooting as they do the 'wild thing' for the camears. And lastly there is the infamous tripod style where you either place your camera on a stationary tripod or set the camera down somewhere after positioning it and hoping through all the bouncing up and down, you don't fall out of the view finder...yea, right!
Success with using either three of these means of shooting your movie revolve around how you position the camera, but that is not the first mistake most beginners make. The #1 thing you need to pay attention to that irks me to no end when people do not do it, is your lighting! There is nothing more frustrating to watch than a good porn movie where everything is dark and you cant see anything. And that is such a major bummer. And some people do it over and over. The action is great, the sound hot, but you can't see a thing. It's like Dustin Hoffman said in 'Mad City', "You're giving the people radio" and they want a movie! Might as well record it to your mp3.
#2 of course is the angle at which you shoot. Many newbies shooting POV get so caught up in the moment of what they are doing and the camera angles are on the knees or mid thigh or top of the head much too long, or with the tripod style user who places the camera on the dresser or end of the bed or a chair or even the floor, in such a way that you are constantly falling out of the scene and don't get the good stuff. Every time you change your position, the camera angle changes unless you get up every time before the switch and re-positioning the camera the right way. That is a lot of work. And you chance losing concentration as well as your woody. You have to stop, get up and then start again, but it can be done and some of the best videos I made in my early work was shot like that. Yea, you have to re focus and sometimes break up a good run of strokes, but the end result takes priority over your pleasure. That is when it becomes good pornographic art work. And the rough edges can be cleaned up in the editing room.
The 3rd biggest mistake newbies make is the sound issue. Either there is dead silence or neither of 'players' have a thing to say...Bummer...! I was the first in the business to start the dirty talk thing... people want to hear moaning and groaning and real life sex! But if you do find yourself with a final product with no sound, with all the new editing software you can add a sound track and that will make a difference, trust me. Their are very few things worse than a hot amateur porn movie with all the right visuals, but no sound. Unless it's the first one your, I use to look at the pantie section of the Spiegle and Sears
Those are the big Three...take care of those three technical problems and you are almost there. Ignore them and you are off to a bad start. Remember, you want fans to keep coming back to check out your work.
Yea Xtube is allowing tons of new talent to show off their stuff and get noticed. There are video clips from every scene imaginable. Interracial, straight, gay, cds/tgirls/shemales, (the Third Sex as Handi Peters labeled and foresaw many years ago), along with people showing off their exhibitionist side, or thier own personal talent like taking the 12 inch dildo all the way...both guys and gals. This is the amateur/homemade porn site of the moment on the Internet. Inexpensive cameras cameras, fun editing software and the Internet...what a lethal combination...
In part 2 I will give you my take on some of the porn art work out there...and Google BLKMaarq and you will find my link to Xube and lots of other good stuff about yours truly. Hey, I did not get to be #1 for no reason.
O, and before I sign off...prompt to my girl Hillary Clinton and Michelle Obama...I will do my political thing at the end of the DNC...Let's talk about sex right now...:)
...too be continued...
Sunday, August 24, 2008
The Obama Man Couldn't Pull The Trigger...
...Yea, he shot 'blanks' with this guys know what I am talking go that 5 orgasm night and the 6 th one is all 'air'...well in my opinion, that is just what the Obama Man shot with his pick of Joe Binden...Michele must have been whispering in his hear, 'don't you take that white bitch'. Hey, are talking politics here, not personal b/s getting in the way. We were looking at the all time 'Dream Ticket' here and he goes with Mr. Vanilla....give me a break B.O....are you running scared from the white bitch...? She was your ticket to the Big House and now we are in an uphill ' battle. All you did is go to bat and smack a double went with #2 instead of the home run Queen. And if I remember the Primaries right, didn't Biden drop out way back when, and who was it that took you to the wire? Maybe you know something the rest of us do not know (and you know what I am talking about, but that will be revealed later), but for now, you went with the 'wussy' choice, and I thought we talked about this the other day. I know you read my
We all know the Clinton's freak you out, but to go with the guy who just 6 months ago said you were not fit to lead the nation. This is politics bro. Even John Kennedy knew he had to go with Lyndon Johnson to win it all.
Yea, so Mr. Biden brings some some foreign policy background to the table. Ummm, what else may I ask? Hey, Mrs, C. has so much more going on that that.
What an historical opportunity you blew Mr don't get upset if the Clinton's use the DNC as their own personal podium...and I kind of hope they do...Hillary on Tuesday and Slick Willy on Wednesday...add to the excitement that should have been there...please, someone tell me what kind of excitement Joe Biden brings to the ticket...DELAWARE...? Three delegates...give me a break...what in the world was he thinking...? Like her or not, ALL the polls showed an Obama/Clinton ticket was way way ahead...McCain is breathing a sigh of relief. In fact he is grinning from ear to ear and whispering under his breath ...'Yea, I own 7 houses' fact, my inside sources tell me Big John was looking for one of those little blue diamonds to celebrate with the rich little lady tonight...he just wasn't sure which house to 6 white boi...and we won't leave the light on...!
Hey, yours truly will still vote Democrat and still believe Hillary and Slick Willy will do right by the Obama Man cause me thinks there is a Cabinet job somewhere lurking in the back ground for Mrs. C when we win. Come on, the Clinton are players on the Big Stage, and they are not fools no matter what you may think of them...and the bitch has 18 million votes stashed up under the skirt of her Power suite. My kind of white bitch!
And like I said, Slick Willy can run the camera.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Hillary or Bust...
Yea, I know I am talking politics again, but it's that time of the year and the Internet allows we new political pundunts to throw our nickle up against the wall, and we all have sometjhing to say. Listen, we are living in a very excitingly historic time in our nation as far as politics and the Presidential race goes. We thought it was a big deal when John Kennedy became the first Irish Catholic President and Jimmie Carter, the first Peanut Farmer to sit in the Oval Office. But now we have an opportunity to vote a Black man into 'white' gotta love it...So why not make it even more historic with Obama nominating Hillary Clinton as his VP...a bro man and a white woman running our country...(Mama said there would be days like this)...what is the world coming too...? And they would be running aginst a rich wrinkly old white dude who might not make it past his first term who is marraied to a filthy rich hottie half his age...(what was that he said (or did not say) about the little blue diamond?) Hey, the Black man and white woman have my vote as most of you know I am a big Hillary fan from way way back. Love her or hate her, she did not get to where she is now by being Slick Willey's fool. She paid her dues and I believe she is what this great country of ours needs right now! We just have to figure out what to do with Slick Willy if the Obama Man picks her as his running mate and wins...It's like I told a friend of mine the other of my biggest fantasies is hooking up with Hillary and letting Billy boi stay in the background, watch and run the camera...But let's win it all first, then we will deal with Slick Willy.
I do not know how the Obama Man can win without the full backing and blessing of the Clinton Camp...None of those three lame white bois the news pundants put on the short list add anything to his quest for the Presidency. Listen, she is speaking one night at the Convention and hubby speaking another...window dressing...??? I think not!...DUH! What a golden opportunity the Obama Man would be missing out on if he dissess Hillary as his VP running mate. When his advisors told him not to chose Johnson as his running mate, John Kennedey told them, "Let's win it first, and then we will deal with Lyndon." And it's like Pat Buccanan said on Dan Abrams show 'The Verdic' last night... "All the other VP candidates are singles hitters...if you want to go for the fence, Obama has to pick Hillary as his running mate"...and I totally agree. Obama and Hillary would bring a dynamic to this election we have never seen before...How can Obama discount Hillary's 18 million voters, her experience, her charisma and all the white women under 50 she brings with her? Hey, I am not telling you anything you don't already know or have not heard...Love her or hate her she is the Queen Bitch of America at the moment, and she gets my vote for the Democratic VP nomination...not Biden, not Bayh and not Kayne...let's go with the white Bitch...!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
The Interraical 'thang'...the Last Great Sexual Taboo...part 2
If we look back in history we find very few documented Interracial relationships. But the ones we do find are quite interesting...most people do not know it, but the very first interracial relationship that can be documented comes from the Bible...duh...! Yup, Moses, the greatest of all the old school Hebrew prophets was married to a Black woman. Hey, take that to the bank and deposit it! And unless we want to slip in the great Black Carthaginian general Hannibal (and not Dr. Lecter), who almost brought the Roman Empire to it's knees, the next documented interracial relationship would be Cleopatra with Caesar and Marc Anthony ...hey, don't tell me you believe the real first century Egyptian princess looked like Elizabeth you believe that, you will also believe that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson did not screw their Black slaves and that Jesus had blond hair and blue eyes...hey, wanna buy a bridge...?)...and we all know how this Black Princess did her thing...but moving on, we don't have any historical documentation of any significant interracial relationship until we get to the New Country and Pocahontas did her thing with either John Smith (if you believe certain myths) and married John Wolfe who later presented her to the English court of King James I who took to her right away...I guess at this point one must wonder how I am categorizing the word 'interracial'...does it mean white with any other nationality or strictly Black with anyone outside the thinks that is a topic for another time...for now anyone who crosses the 'race line' is fodder for an 'interracial relationship'...and the last I looked the three races were Caucasian, white), Negro (Black) and Mongolian (Asian).
But anyway, back the topic at hand...histoy at this point is not real clear as to who crossed the line next although as I afore mentioned, there is much speculation as to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson doing thier thing with thier Black women slaves much as all white southern plantation owners considered it their 'right' to do...hey, how many white people with the last name Washington do you know...and Bill Clinton's middle name is Jefferson and contraty to popular belief, he likes to consider himself the first 'Black' know, I am getting a little off track here.
We need to move up to the 19th century and take a look at Jack Johnson, the greatest Heavyweight boxer of all times (with apologies to Mohammed Alie), whose relationship with white women made the American government chase he and his white wife to Canada to avoide prosecusion make a few new laws to dicourage 'uppity niggers' from messing with thier white women. Against the law for a Black man to marry and f**k a white dare they...? hey, but they hung Black men for that offense way back then...cut their balls off and stuffed them in their mouth to teach them a lesson...
But here we are now...! with Sammy Davis Jr. the next documented 'aggitator' of Frank Sinatra's main boys...but the white man they took one of his eyes out to teach him a lesson after he marraied his wife wife...Sammy does not get the credit due him...I am not sure I would have sacrificed an eye for a white woman, or an woman for that point...but hey, maybe I would have for the right white bitch...(I only date white women...another topic for another time)...
And besides kidding...(or am I?), we move to the mid 60's where the next 'perprtator would be the late great Jimi Hendrix who had the audacity to photo himself surrounded by a bevy of naked white girls on the cover of his Electric Lady Land album...and we all know the censors rejected that albulm cover. But Jimi was known for his love of the white woman. He flaunted it, he sang about it, he lived hero and the man I have modeled myself after since 1968...Sammy was a little too early but Jimi and myself we right on time...
The 60' and the 70's...'Interracial Hevean'...
to be continued...
white women
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
BLKMaarq Says...(political ramblings)...
I am going to just do some rambling here and touch on a few different topics the first being me wondering how the drama surrounding southern home boi John Edwards would have played out if his mistress had been a hot Black woman...that would have made 'good television'...hey it's like with the Jewish Gangster in the Sophanos...'nothing like keeping some chocolate in the bedroom'...George Washington and Thomas Jefferson did...hey, I have often wondered if George W. Bush was tagging will come out in someones auto bio down the road. Switching gears...3 minutes of silence for Issac Hayes and Bernie Mac...two Giants of the entertainment world. And let's not forget all the soldiers in the armed forces protecting our rights here at home and all over the world...
We are living in some very interesting times right now...a woman and a Black man both ran for the nomination for President of the USA along with a former prisoner of war. I am not a McCain fan as most of you know, but hey, a former POW...? We have had many Generals becoming President, from George Washington, US Grant, Andrew Jackson, Teddy Roosevelt, Dwight D. Eisenhower, and George W. Bush...(ooops, right, he was one of those guys whose Daddy got him into what was then a cherry National Guard outfit way across state lines)...but Mr. McCain is our first POW to run for the highest office in our country...cudos to you Big won't get my vote though...
Moving on...Props goes out to Paris Hilton with her grand slam comeback to the McCain add lumping Obamma in with she and Britney as 'air head celebrities', O, and don't forget that reference to the Black Man/white woman know, the subtle interracial stuff thrown in...that's my girl Paris...gotta give her a perfect 10 for that one...especially when she called him the 'old white haird guy with the wrinkles'...I am still waiting for Brittney to mouth off...Come on Baby...! Anyway we are living in a very exciting moment in the political history of the USA...we have not seen this kind of interest and excitement in the the Democratic way of life since the Magna Charta was written or when Bobby Kennedy ran for office...In the words of Buffalo Springfield...'There's something happening here, what it is ain't exactly clear'...but we will all know soon enough...
The Olympics have been fun stuff so far. Seeing Phelps team mate put on the after burners at the last moment to out duel the French, and do it the American way was fun to was also interesting to see a Black man on the 4 man relay team...and all this time I thought Black men couldn't swim...hey, they said Black men do not eat p***y either... (gulp, gulp)...:)~ And the USA gymnist girl are looking good...
Half a prop out to Hillary and Slick Willy for hanging in there...hey, don't sell that white bitch and her man short...I don't care how sleazy you may think they are, they are still the 'First Family of the Democratic Party, and I fo one still think Hilliary is the #1 bitch in the world of politics...(so sue me)...well at least until the Democratic National Convenion in Denver anway...and what a mind blower that is going to be...Hillary speaking, Slick Willing giving his 2 cents, and Obama rocking the world when he gives his acceptance speach...and here is an interesting thinks the whole world will be watching when Barak Hussein Obamma becomes the first Black man to accept the nomination to run for President of the USA for the Democratic National Party...history is being made won't just be Americans and a quater million Germans watching, but the whole world will be tuned in...even the Chinese along with that hot head President of Iran and the rest of teh world...and once again as Dustin Hoffman said in Mad City, "That's good TV"...! Years down the road I wonder if we wil be asking, "Where were you when Obama gave his accepted the nomination for the Democratic Presidential candidate?"...who knows...I just know you need to get out there and vote...and BLKMaarq says...
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
The Interracial 'thang'...the Great Sexual Taboo...
Bob Herbert of the NYC the other day suggested that the Washington Monument and Leaning Tower of Pizza both subliminally slipped in the political add aired by the Republican National Committee and endorsed by John McCain was a reference to phallic symbols colored Black and zeroing between Brittney Spears and Paris Hilton's outspread white thighs...Interesting scenario as most of us did not catch those two powerful 'phallic' symbols playing with our heads...(I remember being in awe of CoitT Tower in the beautiful city of San Francisco where I lived for 10 yrs in the late 70's Early 80's pre-aides where there were 8 girls and over 500 gay men to every straight Black male ..and of course where I began my infamous porn acting career, and being told how Mrs Coit had 'erected' it in honor of her late hubby...Go dude...! You got my vote...!) that was around the time this Women's Libber messed with my mind with the 'telephone pole' thing, built by men to keep women submissive...I remember my trip through Nebraska driving Blades Porche to him from Baltimore to Denver counting the telephone poles on both sides of the road singing 'I can see for miles and miles' by the Who...all the time thinking what if all these phallic symbols could instantly turn into 'white vagina' symbols...
Hey, Interracial thing is not new...we all know that...and I think most would agree that it is the #1 'main stream' sexual taboo here in America if not the world...hey I am living with 7 young Russian students at the moment...and to most of them, I am the first American Black man they have really got to know...and I emphasise 'American' there as we are a breed apart from other dark skinned bros in the world when it comes down to our sexual prowessness when pursuing the white lady. "No Brag, Just Fact"...(Walter Brennen). All should do a study of when the Interracial thing began in America in the early slave days when Masta was away and the Mistress had her special hung Black bulls to take care of certain 'needs' here white hubby could not provide. And don't you dare believed that a few of the white Mastas hand picked the bulls themselves and at and watched. And dare we say that practise is still going on. One I very quickly discovered and exploited in the Golden Age of the Swinging Scene of the 70's and 80's, pre Internet when it was wide open for a young well hung Black stud on the prowl for white women. Their men literally handed them over to us, with their consent of course, (well, most of them anyway). What had been underground since the very beginning, was now coming up above ground, just in a different type of very discete means...I mean, who went into the sleazy part of town to buy a swingers mag, or took the chance to have it sent to their home, just to see their hot sexy white middle/upper class married white women have sex with a well hung strange Black stud...? Dr's, lawyers, pro football players, the guy down the street? Yes I have known them all.
too be continued...
Friday, August 1, 2008
The Original X Skaters...
In one my last two blogs I bragged about being one of the first REALITY show stars... x raated as well as g with the X games going on now on ESPN, here is the proof in the pudding...before Tony Hawk or Sean White, there was Misha and the Capricorn Kidd....and check out the pre glam and grunge outfits...circa 1980...I am the ORIGINAL..!
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