Here we go again...another uproar about who can use the N word and who cannot after that serious snafu Jessie Jackson made the other day about cutting off Barak's balls and how he talked down to Ni**gers...well, the politically correct answer of course is NEVER no matter who you we all know better than everyone knows, we in the Black Community still continue to use that word in an 'endearing' way, arguing that it is okay amongst our own people, yet on the other side the question is asked, 'why can you use it yet we cannot'...? And of course that could be a very good question if no other ethnicity did the same thing...but let's look at how our culture works...could I get away with calling one of my Italian com padres, 'pi son'...yet we hear them call each other that..and I am sure the same thing happens 'privately' in all cultures, and always will...but because the N word is probably the most notoriously 'bad' word in the English vocabulary, it is the one that gets all the attention...but let's do keep in mind there are places it is accepted where we like it or not...Black comedians, cutting edge movie producers, as well as both Black and white rappers of course have had no problem with using it over and over and it is well accepted...and considering it is the white suburb $$$ that has made so many Black rappers multi millionaires, why do we question the white boi from white America feeling comfy hollering 'My Nigga' to the beat of so many different songs like Howard Stern had a field day with years ago when that song by DMX was #1. Ah, but when it is said on such a grand scale as Jessie Jackson did the other day...well, somehow we consider that the NO NO which re-opens the conversation all over again...
I for one have no problem with the 'N' word, unlike Spike Lee who once complained about how Quentin Terrantio had 'license' to use the 'N' word in his movies, but if he on the other hand used 'kike' over and over, how he would be banned from Hollywood for, but just imagine what kind of boring movie 'Reservoir Dogs' would have been without the 'N' word...? My first memories of the 'N' word was in 3rd grade living in San Antonio, TX and my best buddy, this redneck white kid who was always first in line would look back at me who being the only Black kid in class would be the very last one in line, would look back at me and holler, 'Hey, Nigga, wanna come to the head of the line', and I would pump my fist and dare him to come back and say that to my face. So does it come down to how and when we say it...? I don't know...but what I do know is that this controversy will never go away...whether sang by the bottom feeders of the rap world, or by comedians and movie producers trying to catch what is 'real' or from the very top of the political one is safe from the 'N' word...and did I fail to mention that even in the porn world the 'N' word is now acceptable with the 'Nigga Worship' series being one of the biggest selling interracial titles in that niche...the 'N' word is powerfully dominate in a porn maybe it is time to just move on 'My Nigga' ...
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