There are three ingredients that go into making a 'great' porn video...First you want the right 'girl, bitch, slut' or whatever you want to call her...and then it helps to have the right stud to work them over...but lastly, if you do not have the right camera man, it is all for nothing. I therefore have to admit that I have been fortunate to have 4 of the best camera men ever in the porn industry with myself being the first...lol...don't laugh as in the early days of the home video explosion, lots of us did what I called the 'hand held' technique, but what they now call POV (point of view)...and believe me, that is a feat in itself. Holding a huge (back in the early days) video camera on your shoulders as you peer through the view finder and make sure you are getting the right angels, while at the same time you are concentrating on taking care of the business at hand. And I must admit, that is where the separation of whether you were doing your thing for just pleasure and fun or to make art and money...I myself focused on the last two first and once I had them in check, I then enjoyed the pleasure. Yes, it was always about business and making a living...
Moving on...I had the great opportunity to have two camera men who were very much into the scene as I was as well as having that special quality of knowing what I was going to do before I did it. My first cameraman Daryl could lightly tough me on my leg and I knew what to do and where to go next. It of course helped that I was banging his g/f and he knew her moves also...lol...(the early cuck scene)...
Gustave was my next and all time #1 video man...he shot some of my very best work and has been there with me through all the thick and thins...he always had that knack of knowing just when to point the camera where it needed to be...he also knew when to get the girls facial expression just at the right time...Hey, it is not always about the 9x7 'Piece' I have between my legs. And that is wat makes the difference between a 'good' or 'great' camera man.
And lastly I need to give props out to KC who was my still camera man and first webmaster who knew how to catch the right shot at the right time...hey, ask Aiden...lol...
Big props out to my three cameramen...they were there with me at each of my beginnings. If you want to be a porn star, you need the right cameraman to get the right shots and angels...hey, it is not always about the editing room...yes, of course that helps, but the right camerman makes the editing room so much easier to work in.
I will admit that I have had the opportunity to work with three of the very best in this biz! If you want to be a porn star...find yourself the 'right' cameraman.